Please do not directly modify the English strings - if you've found a typo or want to change something, suggest the changes instead.

Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
iOS 62% 45 56 289 45 0 0 2
Web App MPL-2.0 67% 25,680 111,112 673,085 24,283 808 1,258 64
Glossary Revolt MPL-2.0 64% 1,972 2,348 12,404 1,967 0 160 12
Android 59% 8,147 32,697 185,937 8,017 338 409 23


Project website
Project maintainers User avatar div2005 User avatar infi User avatar FatalErrorCoded User avatar zomatree User avatar Rexogamer User avatar lea
Translation license MPL-2.0 Web App Revolt proprietary Android

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 103,876 384,818 2,304,364
Source 1,533 5,225 31,009
Approved 18% 19,167 17% 68,140 17% 408,702
Waiting for review 46% 47,891 43% 167,194 43% 1,005,763
Translated 65% 68,032 62% 238,605 62% 1,432,649
Needs editing 1% 1,532 3% 12,242 3% 71,342
Read-only 1% 974 1% 3,271 1% 18,184
Failing checks 1% 1,146 1% 3,649 1% 22,230
Strings with suggestions 1% 1,827 1% 7,373 1% 43,242
Untranslated strings 33% 34,312 34% 133,971 34% 800,373

Quick numbers

384 k
Hosted words
103 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
Language Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English 0 0 0 0 253 1 2
🥺🥺🥺 (bottom) 42% 26 32 181 26 0 3 0
1337 (leet) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Afrikaans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albanian 83% 131 505 3,162 127 58 1 0
Arabic 69% 406 1,586 9,078 403 0 5 0
Arabic (Najdi) 16% 665 2,580 15,638 655 7 8 0
Armenian 81% 146 827 4,928 104 2 0 0
Assamese 29% 567 2,273 13,785 558 3 0 0
Asturian 93% 85 370 1,998 81 9 1 0
Asturian (ast_U-SD-ESCB) 0% 780 2,898 17,598 780 0 0 0
Azerbaijani 78% 174 980 5,816 132 9 3 0
Balinese 0% 780 2,898 17,598 780 0 0 0
Basque 59% 319 1,526 9,202 284 8 4 0
Belarusian 99% 4 10 53 4 0 0 1
Bengali 83% 217 956 5,634 216 0 0 0
Breton 75% 193 1,052 6,255 163 0 2 0
Bulgarian 57% 550 2,321 13,437 517 2 28 0
Catalan 76% 306 1,219 6,995 289 4 125 2
Catalan (ca_U-SD-ESIB) 0% 780 2,898 17,598 780 0 0 0
Cebuano 26% 581 2,266 13,670 562 3 11 0
Chinese (Literary) 22% 618 2,445 14,936 593 2 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) 99% 4 10 53 4 0 0 1
Chinese (Simplified) (zh_HANSZH@hans) 42% 19 21 117 19 0 0 1
Chinese (Traditional) 59% 532 2,203 12,648 528 1 0 0
Cornish 2% 757 2,874 17,440 757 0 0 0
Creek 0% 780 2,898 17,598 780 0 0 0
Croatian 70% 378 1,865 10,821 340 6 0 0
Czech 99% 4 10 53 4 0 0 0
Danish 97% 17 159 919 0 6 114 3
Dutch 64% 456 1,787 10,174 456 0 1 1
Dutch (Middle) 8% 730 2,790 16,907 723 0 0 0
Enchantment Table (enchantment) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
English (Layout) (en_XL) 2% 43 51 291 43 0 0 0
English (Middle) 17% 655 2,571 15,538 639 98 13 0
English (Old) 11% 708 2,648 16,137 694 3 6 0
English (United States) 90% 74 557 3,383 47 0 2 0
Esperanto 76% 311 1,344 7,724 235 7 30 0
Estonian 80% 153 868 5,167 111 4 21 0
Filipino 98% 25 134 719 25 16 1 0
Finnish 70% 383 1,840 10,635 345 5 55 0
Flemish (West) 33% 530 2,134 12,841 498 2 0 1
French 98% 25 123 692 12 7 97 34
French (Middle) 67% 259 1,309 7,766 222 3 3 0
Galician 63% 478 1,900 10,823 475 0 0 0
Georgian 6% 730 2,752 16,736 727 1 0 0
German 97% 38 165 919 38 3 217 0
German (Low) 10% 711 2,766 16,797 694 0 18 0
German (Switzerland) 29% 562 2,216 13,345 556 2 18 0
Gothic 5% 756 2,856 17,371 742 3 0 0
Greek 63% 478 1,927 11,184 471 1 4 1
Hebrew 69% 242 1,281 7,645 204 12 80 0
Hindi 52% 622 2,751 15,849 581 17 32 0
Hungarian 99% 13 41 264 10 0 60 11
Icelandic 2% 773 2,887 17,531 773 0 15 0
Indonesian 86% 170 723 4,166 163 2 10 0
Irish 74% 205 1,145 6,782 172 4 0 0
Italian 99% 4 10 53 4 1 25 0
Japanese 73% 345 1,692 9,767 307 0 4 5
Kazakh 29% 550 2,137 12,905 547 2 0 0
Klingon (pIqaD) 6% 742 2,811 17,073 736 5 18 0
Korean 94% 45 374 2,218 5 3 10 1
Kurdish (Central) 59% 537 2,212 12,728 533 0 0 0
Kurdish (Northern) 49% 398 1,768 10,555 368 2 0 0
Latin 80% 153 838 5,022 110 68 12 0
Latvian 85% 120 785 4,699 88 5 19 0
Limburgish 6% 743 2,815 17,058 728 7 3 0
Lithuanian 60% 513 2,170 12,419 512 0 0 0
Luxembourgish 40% 472 2,066 12,497 441 6 1 0
Macedonian 18% 647 2,487 15,093 630 7 6 0
Malay 81% 144 825 4,919 102 2 0 0
Malayalam 7% 735 2,791 16,894 721 13 7 0
Maltese 14% 683 2,565 15,548 676 14 14 0
Mirandese 99% 12 46 271 11 7 0 0
Moldavian 55% 354 1,642 9,855 309 13 0 0
Neapolitan 0% 780 2,898 17,598 780 0 2 0
Nepali 16% 657 2,556 15,571 655 1 0 0
Norwegian Bokmål 72% 351 1,491 8,698 339 2 2 0
Norwegian Nynorsk 98% 8 30 208 5 3 0 0
Persian 71% 370 1,419 8,140 370 0 0 0
Persian (Old) 44% 445 1,833 10,974 419 50 36 0
Pig Latin (piglatin) 83% 129 764 4,525 95 0 0 0
Pirate (pr) 72% 220 896 5,437 190 0 102 1
Polish 99% 4 10 53 4 0 0 0
Portuguese 99% 8 27 146 8 0 12 0
Portuguese (Brazil) 96% 50 230 1,257 49 4 143 6
Portuguese (Portugal) 96% 30 294 1,712 5 0 3 5
Portuguese (pt_BRPT@br) 12% 29 34 180 29 0 0 0
Romanian 79% 266 1,013 5,785 266 225 0 9
Russian 99% 4 10 53 4 7 15 6
Serbian 67% 256 1,332 7,992 213 7 25 2
Sinhala 62% 492 1,988 11,314 492 0 0 0
Slovak 85% 118 705 4,187 88 2 0 0
Slovenian 91% 69 325 2,034 65 0 5 0
Spanish 99% 10 31 178 8 0 64 0
Spanish (Latin America) 92% 95 342 1,960 93 8 101 0
Swedish 85% 114 745 4,423 80 6 3 0
Tamil 33% 532 2,300 13,806 514 8 1 0
Telugu 17% 659 2,526 15,277 642 1 0 0
Thai 69% 393 1,512 8,689 390 19 13 6
Toki Pona (tokipona) 58% 332 1,687 10,225 303 24 86 2
Turkish 84% 197 874 4,995 191 5 2 0
Ukrainian 99% 4 10 53 4 8 10 0
Urdu 16% 662 2,508 15,190 655 26 16 0
Valencian 98% 8 30 208 5 9 7 0
Venetian 45% 438 1,787 10,682 415 2 0 0
Vietnamese 92% 61 245 1,460 60 1 8 0
Welsh 52% 376 1,441 8,654 376 0 1 0
afaf (generated) (afaf) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
bebe (generated) (bebe) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
bnbn (generated) (bnbn) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
contributors (generated) (contributors) 2% 43 51 291 43 0 0 0
cycy (generated) (cycy) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
eoeo (generated) (eoeo) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
fafa (generated) (fafa) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
filfil (generated) (filfil) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
gotgot (generated) (gotgot) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
isv (generated) (isv) 84% 119 533 3,156 119 0 0 0
kwkw (generated) (kwkw) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
mwlmwl (generated) (mwlmwl) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
owo speak (owo) 99% 6 25 167 5 10 62 0
vivi (generated) (vivi) 0% 33 39 206 33 0 0 0
User avatar yossi-1113

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an hour ago
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an hour ago
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2 hours ago
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User avatar lenify

Translation approved

Revolt / Web AppBelarusian

3 days ago
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Pushed changes 4 days ago
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User avatar infi

New announcement

Revolt / Android

Translations are available again! 🎉

10 months ago
User avatar Rexogamer

New announcement


Please do not directly modify the English strings - if you've found a typo or want to change something, suggest the changes instead.

a year ago
User avatar Rexogamer

New announcement


Please do not directly modify the English strings - if you've found a typo or want to change something, suggest the changes instead.*

a year ago
User avatar insert

New announcement

Revolt / Web App

The following languages should not be translated under any circumstance: English (UK), 1337, Enchantment Table and bottom.

3 years ago
User avatar insert

New announcement

Revolt / Web App

The following languages are automatically managed through GitHub actions: - 🥺🥺🥺 (bottom) - 1337 (leet) - Enchantment Table (enchantment) Please do not translate them.

3 years ago
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